Git and GitHub: A Comprehensive Guide

Common Git Commands

  • git init
  git init

Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory. This sets up the necessary Git metadata.

  • git clone [url]
    git clone 

Clones a repository from a remote server to your local machine. This creates a full copy of the repository.

  • git add [file]
    `git add index.html` 

Stages a file for commit. This prepares the file to be included in the next commit.

  • git commit -m "message"

    `git commit -m "Add new feature to user authentication"` 

Commits changes with a descriptive message. This creates a snapshot of the staged changes.

  • git status

    `git status` 

Displays the status of changes in your working directory and staging area. It shows which files have been modified, staged, or are untracked.

  • git pull

    `git pull origin main` 

Fetches and merges changes from the remote repository into your local branch. This updates your branch with the latest changes from the remote.

  • git push

    `git push origin main` 

Uploads your local commits to the remote repository. This shares your changes with other collaborators.

  • git branch

    `git branch new-feature` 

Lists, creates, or deletes branches. To create a new branch, use git branch [branch-name].

  • git checkout [branch]

    `git checkout new-feature` 

Switches to a different branch. Use this command to start working on a new branch.

  • git merge [branch]

    `git merge new-feature` 

Merges changes from the specified branch into the current branch. This integrates the changes from one branch into another.

  • git rebase [branch]

    `git rebase main` 

Reapplies commits from your current branch on top of another branch. This creates a linear history of changes.

  • git stash

    `git stash
    git stash pop` 

Temporarily saves changes that are not yet ready to be committed. You can apply stashed changes later using git stash pop.

  • git cherry-pick [commit]

    `git cherry-pick abc1234` 

Applies the changes from a specific commit onto your current branch. This is useful for applying individual changes without merging entire branches.