Git and GitHub: A Comprehensive Guide

Advanced Git Topics

  • Rebase: Rewriting commit history to create a linear project history can simplify the understanding of the commit history. Rebasing is often used to integrate changes from the main branch into a feature branch.

    `git rebase main` 

    Example: Update your feature branch with the latest changes from the main branch.

  • Cherry-pick: This allows you to apply changes from a specific commit from another branch, enabling selective integration of changes.

    `git cherry-pick abc1234` 

    Example: Apply a bug fix from a different branch without merging all changes.

  • Stashing: Save your work-in-progress changes temporarily and apply them later. This is useful when you need to switch branches or work on something else without losing your current changes.

    `git stash
    git stash pop` 

    Example: Save changes, switch to a different branch, and then reapply the saved changes.

  • Interactive Rebase: Allows you to edit, reorder, and squash commits. This is useful for cleaning up commit history before merging a feature branch.

    `git rebase -i main` 

    Example: Reorder or combine commits to create a cleaner commit history.

Real-Life Example of Git in a Project

Consider a development team working on a complex web application:

  1. Project Initialization:

    • The team initializes a Git repository with git init and creates a remote repository on GitHub.
  2. Feature Development:

    • A developer creates a new branch for a feature, e.g., git branch feature/payment-integration.
    • They switch to this branch (git checkout feature/payment-integration) and implement the payment integration feature.
  3. Staging and Committing:

    • After implementing the feature, the developer stages changes (git add .) and commits them (git commit -m "Integrate payment gateway").
  4. Integrating Changes:

    • The developer switches back to the main branch (git checkout main) and merges the feature branch (git merge feature/payment-integration).
  5. Collaboration:

    • The developer pushes the changes to the remote repository (git push origin main), allowing other team members to review and collaborate.
  6. Handling Conflicts:

    • If conflicts arise during merging, Git highlights them. The developer manually resolves the conflicts, stages the resolved files, and commits the changes.
  7. Version Control and Rollback:

    • If a new feature introduces a bug, the team can roll back to a previous stable commit using git revert or check out a previous commit to restore a stable version.