Git for DevOps Engineers

Git Setup Hands-On

What is Git?

  • Git is a central repository using which we can manage our project source code

  • Git is also called it a version controlling system

  • It maintains all modifications happening to a specific file

  • Because of versions troubleshooting and fixing bugs are easy

  • If something goes wrong in current version we can rollback to previous version

  • Records who modified, when it is modified(time stamp) and why it is modified

  • Git is distributed version controlling system

  • Git is fast when it is compared with other version controlling tools

  • Multiple developers can easily collaborate and work on same project

  • It also works as backing up our project code

Getting git server to manage our projects

Download,Install and configure git server on our own machine Create account online with

  1. GitHub

  2. Bitbucket

  3. Git Lab

  4. CodeCommit(AWS)

Create account in and signin Creating new repository in

What is repository in git?

  • In git repository represents a project.

Steps to create repository

  • New Repository → Enter repository name → select public → select README file → Create Repository.

Git terminology :

Git is client server architecture.

Client : git bash and server. Git hub

repository : group of project files to store one single area and each project has one repository. git hub has repositories..

Cloning: remote repository (my web) to getting the local → cloning → git clone URL (each project has one URL) → locally

Fork: projects are copied from one git hub account to another git hub account.

Local repository: getting the remote repository (My web) to our local laptop.

Remote repository: git hub → our created repository (My web)

Push: sending local repository changes to remote repository

pull: sending the remote repository changes to the local repository Note: git follows → 2 types of proto calls → https and SSH.

Git workflow

  1. we need to clone remote repository to local

Git clone URL

git clone

  1. go to the inside local repository.
cd some_folder
  1. files → create / modify → working area.
touch demo_file

git status → red color → working area.
  1. git add . (dot means file name) / filename /

git status

File → green color → Indexing / staging area.

  1. we are getting the files to local repository → commit

git commit -m (m stands for message) 'rk2020' → local repository. git log

40 digits commit ID → head → head always points to latest commit.

  1. push to remote repository.

git push origin master

push → sending local changes to remote repository.

origin → alias name → git hub URL master (or) Main → default branch.

git config --global "ramakrishnaj2020"
git config --global ""
git push origin master → git hub account name and git hub password → remote

How to undo changes in working area?

File → modify → working area git checkout filename.

How to undo the changes in index/staging area File → modify → working area

git add . / file name / * → index / staging area git reset filename

How to undo the changes the in local repository. file → modify → working area

git add. / file name / * → index / staging area. git commit -m 'b123'

git log

git reset commit ID

Branching strategies

  1. Master branch → default branch

  2. Development branch (dev ) → every team has their own branch → which is created from master branch.

  3. Feature branch → every developer has their own branch → which is created from dev branch.

  4. Hot fix / bug fix branch → errors / bugs → which is created from master branch → errors free → hot fix / bug fix branch will delete.

  5. Release branch → every release has one branch with version → which is created from master branch → once release push to remote → Release branch will delete.

Branch: To develop the code of our project.

How to create Branch in locally?

git branch Branch_name

How to push local Branch remote???

git push origin Branch_name How to delete local Branch git branch -d Branch_name How to delete remote Branch

git push origin -d Branch_name How to go to inside a Branch git checkout Branch_name

***** merging strategies in locally ****

  1. Fast-forward

  2. Two way or recursive merge or ort

  3. Git rebase (Dangerous)

git cherry-pick:

It picks a commit from one branch and applies it to another branch without doing merge.

git cherry-pick commit Id.

How to merge the remote side changes → pull request.

Pull request → remote side branches → git hub → in between the branches → merging is nothing but pull request.

Pull request → TL / collegues → approval → merge pull request → conform merge. pull request → source and destination

source (right side) and destination (left side).

tags: tags are used to release the application or code version or feature version. list of tags to see → git tag

how to create a tag locally ?? git tag tag_name

Ex:- git tag v1.0

how to push local tag to remote ??

git push origin taganme Ex:- git push origin v1.0

tags are create on the particular commit. git tag tagname commit ID

-> tags are created from the master branch only..

how to delete a tag locally ?

git tag -d tagname

How to delete remote tags

git push origin -d tagname

git stash :

Harsha → developer → mono file →> working area or index area → before going to commit → P1 ( priority one task → 2 hours close) .

Harsha → developer → mono file → tempararily save → git statsh

After completion of the p1 task → temporarily save → unstash → after that commit.

git stash save → temporarily save

git stash list → stash 0

git stash apply stash ID stash 5 or git stash pop stash ID stash 5 → unstash

git commit -m 'c1'

git push origin master.

Merge conflicts (locally)

Harsha → developer Nihar → developer

Both developers are working on the same file → pqrs → same line → 151 Nihar → developer → dev branch → merge → unable to merge.

git merge tool

pqrs → will open → 151 ---- → brackets → remove the brackets

Pull request conflicts (remote side)

shaker → developer Sundar → developer

Both developers are working on the same file → mno → same line → 351

Sundar → developer → dev branch → pull request → unable to pull request → resolve conflicts.

Merge conflicts → click this → mno → open

mno → will open → 351 ---- → brackets → remove the brackets.

  1. release branch

  2. pull request

  3. tags

  4. git hub → backup

git fetch → Download the changes from remote repository without merging into current directory

or Local Repo or Local Branch

git pull → Download and Merge the changes from remote repository into current directory

== git fetch + git merge git rebase → Rewrite the commit history by moving, combining or applying changes from one -------

branch to another branch, creating a linear history.

git merge → Combining the changes from one branch into another branch, creating a new

commit, the modification from both branches

git conflicts tool → source tree

git squash → the process of condensing multiple commits into a single commit during git rebase, creating a clear and more readable history

git patch → A text file containing the difference between two sets of code ,used to apply changes from one codebase to another.

git diff

  1. Shows the difference between changes in working directory and the staging area or index area.

  2. Can also be used to compare difference between commits, Branches and any two arbitrary points

-in the git repository.

git status

  1. Displays the current state of the working directory and staging area.

  2. Shows which file has been modified, which files are staged for the next commit, and which files are


git revert

When the developer has pushed the code wrongly to remote repo then he will do git revert and change files and given as new commit id and purely remote side changes.

.git ignore → Hiding the files or folder

git reset → when you do the git reset it will go back to working directory == git reset commit id

To Move the ALL file or Folder staging/Indexing Area to working Area === Eg:- git reset ## No way to get back the files or folders after using the git reset command

Soft reset → I want to reset the latest commit so that the HEAD will point to particular commit ID Eg:- git reset --soft 69f77c9fad2f918b3f1e8e2249888aa9f883293f

Before that → git log -4

git reset --soft HEAD~2 #here 2 is No of commit reset

Hard rest → After adding the file or folder staging/Indexing Area

To remove the file or Folder staging/Indexing Area and working Area == Eg: - git reset --hard

Mixed reset : To Move the file or Folder staging/Indexing Area to working Area

Eg:- git reset --mixed file name or folder name