Git Commands
Top Git Commands with Examples
git init
Initializes a new Git repository.
Example: git init
git clone [repository-url]
Clones a repository from a URL.
Example: git clone
git status
Shows the working directory status.
Example: git status
git add [file]
Stages a file for commit.
Example: git add file.txt
git commit -m "[message]"
Commits staged changes with a message.
Example: git commit -m "Initial commit"
git log
Shows the commit history.
Example: git log
git diff
Shows differences between working directory and index.
Example: git diff
git branch
Lists all branches.
Example: git branch
git branch [branch-name]
Creates a new branch.
Example: git branch feature-branch
git checkout [branch-name]
Switches to a different branch.
Example: git checkout feature-branch
git merge [branch-name]
Merges a branch into the current branch.
Example: git merge feature-branch
git pull
Fetches and merges changes from the remote repository.
Example: git pull origin main
- git push
Pushes changes to the remote repository.
Example: git push origin main
- git remote -v
Lists remote repositories.
Example: git remote -v
- git fetch
Fetches changes from the remote repository.
Example: git fetch origin
- git reset [file]
Unstages a file.
Example: git reset file.txt
- git rm [file]
Removes a file from the working directory and staging area.
Example: git rm file.txt
- git stash
Stashes changes in a dirty working directory.
Example: git stash
- git stash apply
Applies stashed changes.
Example: git stash apply
- git tag [tag-name]
Creates a new tag.
Example: git tag v1.0
- git tag -d [tag-name]
Deletes a tag.
Example: git tag -d v1.0
- git rebase [branch-name]
Re-applies commits on top of another base tip.
Example: git rebase feature-branch
- git cherry-pick [commit-hash]
Applies the changes from a specific commit.
Example: git cherry-pick a1b2c3d
- git log --oneline
Shows the commit history in a simplified format.
Example: git log --oneline
- git log --graph
Displays a graphical representation of the commit history.
Example: git log --graph
- git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"
Customizes the format of log output.
Example: git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an,
%ar : %s"
git diff --staged
Shows differences between staged changes and the last commit.
Example: git diff --staged
git diff [branch1] [branch2]
Shows differences between two branches.
Example: git diff main feature-branch
git config --global "[name]"
Sets the Git username.
Example: git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global "[email]"
Sets the Git email address.
Example: git config --global ""