Docker commands indepth
Docker commands are used to interact with the Docker daemon and manage Docker containers, images, and networks. Here are some of the most common Docker commands:
Container Management:
docker run: Creates and starts a new container.
docker start: Starts an existing container.
docker stop: Stops an existing container.
docker restart: Restarts an existing container.
docker pause: Pauses an existing container.
docker unpause: Unpauses an existing container.
docker kill: Kills an existing container.
docker rm: Removes an existing container.
docker ps: Lists running and stopped containers.
Image Management:
docker pull: Pulls an image from a registry.
docker push: Pushes an image to a registry.
docker build: Builds an image from a Dockerfile.
docker images: Lists images.
docker rmi: Removes an image.
Network Management:
docker network create: Creates a new network.
docker network ls: Lists networks.
docker network rm: Removes a network.
Volume Management:
docker volume create: Creates a new volume.
docker volume ls: Lists volumes.
docker volume rm: Removes a volume.
Other Commands:
docker exec: Executes a command in a running container.
docker inspect: Gets detailed information about a container, image, or network.
docker login: Logs in to a registry.
docker logout: Logs out of a registry.