Docker for DevOps Engineers

Docker Architecture

Docker uses a client-server architecture, consisting of the following components:

Docker Client:

  • The interface that users interact with.

  • It sends commands to the Docker daemon.

Docker Daemon:

  • The background service that manages Docker containers.

  • It receives commands from the Docker client and carries them out.

Docker Images:

  • Read-only templates that contain instructions for creating a container.

  • They are built from a Dockerfile, which specifies the steps to create the image.

Docker Containers:

  • Instances of a Docker image.

  • They are isolated environments that run applications.

  • Each container has its own file system, network, and process space.

Docker Registry:

  • A centralized repository for storing Docker images.

  • It allows users to share images with others.

Docker Hub:

  • A public Docker registry that is widely used.

  • It contains millions of images from various sources.

Docker Compose:

  • A tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

  • It allows users to manage multiple containers as a single unit.

Docker Swarm:

  • A tool for clustering and orchestrating Docker containers.

  • It allows users to scale applications horizontally and manage multiple hosts.

Docker Machine:

  • A tool for provisioning Docker hosts on various platforms.

  • It allows users to create and manage Docker hosts on cloud platforms, virtual machines, and bare metal.

Docker uses a layered file system to optimize image storage and sharing. Each layer represents a change to the image. Layers are cached and reused, which can significantly improve image build times and reduce storage requirements.