Design Patterns Overview

Popular Design Patterns Explained

3.1 Singleton Pattern (Creational)

  • Purpose: Ensures that a class has only one instance, and provides a global point of access to that instance.
  • Why Use It?: In some situations, like logging, database connections, or configuration settings, having multiple instances can cause conflicts or consume more resources. The Singleton Pattern helps manage this by ensuring that only one instance of the class exists.
  • Real-World Analogy: Think of a company that has only one CEO. There can't be multiple CEOs, and every department needs to refer to the same CEO for decisions.
  • Use Cases:
    • Managing a single database connection.
    • Controlling access to shared resources like thread pools.
    • Centralizing logging or configuration management in large applications.
  • Languages: Java, Python, C++.

3.2 Factory Method Pattern (Creational)

  • Purpose: Provides an interface for creating objects in a superclass, but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created.
  • Why Use It?: When you need to create objects but don’t know in advance which class of objects will be needed, the Factory Method pattern allows for flexibility by deferring object creation to subclasses.
  • Real-World Analogy: Imagine a car factory. Depending on the input, the factory might produce different types of cars, but the process of car creation remains the same.
  • Use Cases:
    • Creating different types of database drivers depending on the platform (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.).
    • Building UI components that can change depending on the user's platform (Windows, macOS).
  • Languages: Java, C#, Python.

3.3 Builder Pattern (Creational)

  • Purpose: Helps in constructing complex objects step-by-step. It separates the construction of an object from its representation, allowing you to create different types of objects using the same process.
  • Why Use It?: When objects require numerous parameters or configurations, the Builder Pattern simplifies the construction process by breaking it down into manageable steps.
  • Real-World Analogy: Think of ordering a custom sandwich. You specify each ingredient step by step (bread, meat, vegetables, sauces), and at the end, you get your customized sandwich.
  • Use Cases:
    • Building SQL queries or HTML documents that require many components.
    • Constructing objects with lots of parameters or complex initialization, like creating complex user forms or configuring reporting tools.
  • Languages: Java, Python, Swift.

3.4 Adapter Pattern (Structural)

  • Purpose: Allows two incompatible interfaces to work together. It acts as a bridge between two objects, enabling them to interact despite differences in their interfaces.
  • Why Use It?: When you need to use an existing class but its interface is not compatible with what your code expects, the Adapter Pattern allows you to "adapt" the class so it can work in your system.
  • Real-World Analogy: Imagine needing to plug a USB drive into a laptop with only USB-C ports. You use an adapter to convert the USB drive into something the laptop can work with.
  • Use Cases:
    • Integrating legacy code into a modern system.
    • Using an old API in combination with a new one, like adapting a payment gateway to work with your custom e-commerce platform.
  • Languages: Java, C++, TypeScript.

3.5 Observer Pattern (Behavioral)

  • Purpose: Defines a subscription mechanism to allow multiple objects (observers) to listen and react to events or changes in the state of another object (subject).
  • Why Use It?: When one object changes its state, and many others need to be notified and updated, the Observer Pattern provides an efficient way to manage that.
  • Real-World Analogy: Think of a news subscription. If you subscribe to a newsletter, whenever there’s an update, the publisher sends you the news. You don't have to manually check if new updates are available.
  • Use Cases:
    • Event-driven programming: Whenever one part of the system changes, other parts are notified (e.g., UI updates in a GUI).
    • Publish-subscribe systems: Newsletters, stock price notifications, or social media notifications.
  • Languages: JavaScript (EventEmitter), Python.

3.6 Strategy Pattern (Behavioral)

  • Purpose: Defines a family of algorithms and allows the algorithm to be selected and applied at runtime.
  • Why Use It?: When you have different ways to solve the same problem, and you want to choose the best one based on the context (without changing the rest of the code), the Strategy Pattern allows you to switch algorithms easily.
  • Real-World Analogy: Think of a navigation app that gives you different routes based on traffic (shortest, fastest, least traffic). You can switch strategies depending on the context.
  • Use Cases:
    • Payment processing systems that can switch between different payment gateways (credit card, PayPal, crypto).
    • Sorting algorithms: If different sorting strategies (bubble sort, quick sort) are needed based on the dataset size.
  • Languages: Python, Java, C++.