Data Visualization with Python [Week 15]
Being able to visualize data is key to communicating insights effectively. Python has powerful libraries for creating various types of visualizations.
A. Matplotlib
Matplotlib is the foundational plotting library in Python. It is highly customizable and can create both simple and complex plots.
Concepts to Master:
Basic Plots: Line charts, bar charts, scatter plots, pie charts.
- Example: Plotting monthly sales data over time using a line chart.
Customization: Add labels, titles, and legends to make plots more informative.
- Example: Customizing a bar chart that shows product sales by category with color-coding and annotations.
Why Matplotlib Matters:
While Matplotlib can be verbose, it gives you full control over your plots, making it indispensable for creating custom, publication-quality visuals.
B. Seaborn
Seaborn is built on top of Matplotlib and makes it easier to create statistical plots with fewer lines of code and better aesthetics.
Concepts to Master:
Correlation Heatmaps: Visualize the relationships between multiple variables.
- Example: Use a heatmap to show the correlation between different marketing campaigns and sales.
Categorical Plots: Visualize categorical data using bar plots, box plots, and violin plots.
- Example: Create a bar plot to compare average sales across different product categories.
Why Seaborn is Important:
Seaborn makes it easy to explore and visualize data, especially when you want to examine relationships between multiple variables. It is particularly useful for exploratory data analysis (EDA).