Linux: Overview

Linux Basic Commands

LINUX Commands

Troubleshooting is crucial for DevOps engineers managing Linux environments!

Here’s an expanded list of commonly used troubleshooting commands with more examples:

  1. dmesg: Kernel messages for hardware and system errors.
  • Example: dmesg | grep -i error
  1. top/htop: Real-time system resource monitoring.
  • Example: htop
  1. free: Memory usage overview.

 — Example: free -m

  1. df: Disk space usage analysis.
  • Example: df -hT
  1. netstat: Network connections and routing tables.
  • Example: netstat -tuln, netstat -s
  1. ping: Testing network connectivity.

 — Example: ping -c 4

  1. traceroute/mtr: Tracing network routes and latency.
  • Example: mtr
  1. ifconfig/ip: Network interface configuration.
  • Example: ip addr show, ifconfig -a
  1. journalctl: Viewing system logs.

 — Example: journalctl -u sshd.service

  1. lsof: Checking open files and associated processes.
  • Example: lsof -i :port\_number
  1. ps: Process status and information.

 — Example: ```ps

  • Ef | grep process_name```
  1. systemctl: Managing systemd services.
  • Example: systemctl start/restart/stop service\_name

13.grep: Searches for patterns in files.

— Example: grep "pattern" file.txt, grep -r "pattern" directory/

Here are some Linux commands that are commonly used on a daily basis along with examples:

  1. ls: Lists files and directories in the current directory.
  • Example: ls, ls -l, ls -a
  1. cd: Changes the current directory.

 — Example: cd Documents, cd .. (moves up one directory)

  1. pwd: Prints the current working directory.
  • Example: pwd
  1. mkdir: Creates a new directory.
  • Example: mkdir new\_folder
  1. rm: Removes files or directories.
  • Example: rm file.txt, rm -r directory
  1. cp: Copies files or directories.
  • Example: cp file.txt new\_location/
  1. mv: Moves or renames files or directories.

 — Example: mv file.txt new\_location/, mv old\_name.txt new\_name.txt

  1. touch: Creates a new empty file.
  • Example: touch new\_file.txt
  1. grep: Searches for patterns in files.

 — Example: grep “pattern” file.txt, grep -r “pattern” directory/

  1. cat: Displays the contents of a file.
  • Example: cat file.txt
  1. nano or vim: Text editors for creating and editing files.
  • Example: nano file.txt, vim file.txt
  1. chmod: Changes file permissions.

 — Example: chmod +x (gives execute permission to a script)

  1. sudo: Executes a command with superuser privileges.
  • Example: sudo apt update, sudo rm protected\_file
  1. apt or yum: Package managers for installing, updating, and removing software packages.

 — Example: sudo apt install package\_name, sudo yum install package\_name

  1. find: Searches for files in a directory hierarchy.

 — Example: find . -name “\*.txt”

Some other commands along with examples:

  1. clear: Clears the terminal screen.
  • Example: clear
  1. man: Displays the manual pages for a command.
  • Example: man ls (displays the manual for the ls command)
  1. history: Displays the command history of the current session.
  • Example: history
  1. date: Prints the current date and time.

 — Example: date

  1. sleep: Delays execution for a specified amount of time.
  • Example: sleep 5 (pauses for 5 seconds)
  1. uptime: Displays system uptime and load average.
  • Example: uptime
  1. whoami: Prints the current username.

 — Example: whoami

  1. id: Displays user and group information for the current user or specified user.
  • Example: id
  1. groups: Lists the groups the current user belongs to.

 — Example: groups

  1. passwd: Allows users to change their passwords.
  • Example: passwd
  1. who: Shows who is logged on.

 — Example: who

  1. last: Displays a list of last logged in users.
  • Example: last
  1. kill: Sends a signal to terminate a process.
  • Example: kill PID (where PID is the process ID)
  1. cat: Concatenates and displays the content of files.
  • Example: cat file.txt
  1. more: Displays the content of a file one page at a time.
  • Example: more file.txt
  1. rm: Removes files or directories.

 — Example: rm file.txt

  1. ln: Creates links between files.
  • Example: ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/link
  1. hostname: Prints or sets the system’s hostname.
  • Example: hostname, hostname new\_host\_name

These commands are fundamental for managing and interacting with a Linux system. Experiment with them to get familiar with their functionalities!