ansible setup and playbooks
An Ansible playbook is a configuration management file written in YAML format that defines a series of tasks to be executed on one or more target systems. It provides a structured and reusable way to automate IT workflows.
Key components of an Ansible playbook:
Hosts: Defines the target systems or groups of systems.
Tasks: Specifies the actions to be performed on the target systems.
Variables: Stores data that can be used throughout the playbook.
Templates: Creates files dynamically based on templates and variables.
Handlers: Defines actions to be triggered based on specific conditions.
Example playbook:
- name: Install Apache web server hosts: webservers
- name: Ensure Apache installed
apt: name=apache2 state=present
- name: Start Apache service service: name=apache2 state=started
Hosts: Specifies the group of hosts named "webservers".
Tasks: Defines two tasks:
Installs the Apache web server package using the apt module.
Starts the Apache service using the service module.
Key benefits of using Ansible playbooks:
Automation: Automates repetitive tasks, saving time and effort.
Consistency: Ensures that systems are configured consistently across different environments.
Idempotency: Guarantees that changes are applied only once, even if a playbook is run multiple times.
Reusability: Playbooks can be reused and shared across different projects.
Version control: Playbooks can be version-controlled, making it easy to track changes and revert to previous states.
Additional features of Ansible playbooks:
Roles: Modularize playbooks by organizing tasks and variables into reusable units.
Includes: Include other playbooks or roles within a main playbook.
Loops: Iterate over lists of items and perform tasks on each item.
Conditionals: Execute tasks based on specific conditions.
Callbacks: Trigger custom actions based on events.